

NB: Class times and schedule may vary – please refer to the live schedule by clicking here

Timetable and studio opening hours

We offer a wide range of heated and unheated classes most of which are suitable for complete beginners as well as those looking to push themselves further.

Mats and towels are essential for Hot Yoga classes and mats for all classes.

If you are attending a heated class at our hot studio located on the 2nd floor, you may rent towels or mats for £1 each (please bring cash).

Mats and towels are also available to purchase.

We supply all other equipment such as Yoga blocks, bricks, bolsters, weights and bands – but please do feel free to bring your own if desired.

Our timetable is subject to change. We will review classes based upon numbers and may add/remove classes, change dates and times if this suits the majority of our students.

On occasion we may have to cancel a class at short notice due to teacher availability (e.g. illness) and appreciate your understanding.